Slovensky / Cart ( 0 € )

How to buy

In the sections from WALLET to UNIQUE, you will find all the products you can buy here.

Read carefully the description of the product, check the product photos and videos. If you have chosen a product you want to buy, just click on the button ADD TO CART. Your product will moved to cart.

In Cart section you have three option :
1. CONTINUE SHOPPING ( Add more products to Cart )
2. PROCEED TO CHECKOUT ( Finalize your order )
3. UPDATE CART ( Edit selection of your products )

Then click button PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. Now you need to enter the correct information of your order. Fill in your contact and delivery details. Choose your country for shipping.

Select your payment you have four option :
1. TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT ( IBAN / QR CODE scan in your Internet Banking ) 
2. PAYPAL ( redirect through PAYPAL )

Into window “Add note”: write something important

If you agree with Terms & Conditions click button COMPLET ORDER.

Complete your payment for option 1. TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT - Just check your e-mail (or spam folder). You’ve received a confirmation about your order with payment information. Just transfer your payment from your bank account.
2. and 3. option: Now you will pay redirect through PAYPAL.

The goods will be sent after the payment is received on our account.

You will be informed by e-mail when we receive your payment. The transport and the delivery of goods will be provided by the post office services.

If you have some additional questions about the product, the method of delivery or payment, please contact us. In the section contact you can ask by writing messages.

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